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  • Writer's pictureGuillaume Vives

Launch your product like you mean it

As a product advisor to many cloud start ups, i am often invited to review product ideas before they are launched.

Typically it's after months of internal debates on the pros/cons of the ideas.

My answer is usually always the same: "Why don't you prototype the idea; present to 20 prospects in your persona sweet spot. if more than 10 of them like the idea and would be willing to spend money on the product, then launch it and if not, kill it!"

Even better; can you ask these interested customers to pony up some money? $10k; $50k? and you give them 18 months of subscription for it. Assuming it will take you 6 months to develop it.

Now if only 1 or 2 customers are interested in it and the other ones say "meh"... don't be stubborn, move on, do something else.

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Princess Brew
Princess Brew
6 days ago

Am princess i am 34years old I live with my mum from Illinois Chicago

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